The ADAPTOM project feedback workshop in the Caribbean took place during the week of November 6, 2023. Organized by the LIENSs laboratory research team, Virginie Duvat and Ines Hatton, this event gave rise to rich and constructive exchanges that reflected the high level of motivation of the various operational and institutional players present during the days. Working together over the 4 days of the event helped to raise the profile of experiences in the field of ‘Nature-based Adaptation Solutions’ (SafN), and to increase commitment to climate change adaptation.

Participants came from various island territories: Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion and Tahiti.

A summary report of the ecosystemic impacts of each project formed the basis of the discussions.


Photo credit  @ Fanny RUBIA

Photo taken at the entrance to the mangrove in the city of Le Lamentin, Martinique. This richly biodiverse mangrove is being restored and managed as part of the RECIPROCITE project, with the aim of reducing anthropogenic pressures and preserving the multiple functions of this ecological entity, in particular its role as a buffer zone against meteorological and marine hazards.